Summer ‘officially’ starts this month and so does the Hurricane Season… June is a month of waiting… waiting for it to reeeallly get hot, waiting to see if we’ll have any hurricanes, waiting for those afternoon thunderstorms and hoping they’re not too violent, waiting to harvest, waiting for your soil solarization to work, waiting for the right time to start seedlings for the fall garden (our second spring), waiting waiting waiting…
There isn’t much to plant this month so your time will be best spent doing maintenance and preparatory things like tool repair/sharpening, soil solarization, composting, building and preparing new beds, gathering the seeds that you want to plant in your fall garden…
Here is what you can plant while you wait
Cool Weather Plants
Warm Weather Plants
- Okra
- Southern Peas – black-eyed, yard long, crowder
- Peanuts
- Sweet Potatoes
- New Zealand and Malabar Spinach (neither of which are really spinach)
- Most herbs
Thanks for the awesome information, this is exactly what I was looking for! Would love to see info for those of us without in-ground gardens who are looking to expand into vegetable container gardens.
Thanks Chelsea… I’ll figure out how to ‘plant’ some container gardening info stuff in there. It will probably be mostly in the newsletter. Have you signed up for it? If not, all you have to do is fill out the form with your name and email in the right sidebar right over there ->->->-> Voila!!